donderdag 15 januari 2009

Trip to ROC V (Taibei II)


For pictures of today visit:

As decided yesterday, we went to the CKS memorial Hall again. The sun was bright, so it was a good moment to take pictures. Compare it with the pictures of yesterday yourself. There was a souvenir shop at the 1st floor of the CKS Memorial Hall. I saw the flag of the ROC and bought it immediately. Now I have both the flag of the PRC and ROC :). I know it's a litlle bit weird to have both of them, but my point of view is: As long as it stands for my beloved China, I will support them. At this moment there are two China's: People's Republic of China and Republic of China. So I want to possess both flags.

From CKS Memorial Hall we went through the old gate of Taibei, the Presidential office and 228 peace park to the underground station for a trip to Beitou 北投 for the hot springs. During this trip Zivan made a call for Hoining. She was not allowed to check-in her flight online. They told Zivan, because the flight was canceled and Hoining had to take another flight. Because she was flying from Taibei to Kuala Lumpur and then from KL to another city, she can't take the flight they've offered. The woman at the phone told us they had tried to called Hoining but couldn't reach her. Then Hoining ask her why they didn't email her. Her answer was: "We don't use emails." o_O I thought: " No email in the 21st century? o_O" She had to ask what they can do for us. After waiting a couple of minutes we hang up, because we know Zivan had given her number to them. After another couple of minutes someone of China Airlines calles us and said that the flight has been cancelled and they're calling all passengers now. Damn..... they can have a good career in Hollywood man. Acting at the highest level :S. So after some yelling and shouting. They offered Hoining a flight with Malaysia Airlines.

There was hot springs everywhere in Beitou. After the hot spring we were very tired man. The spring was very relaxing and we wanted to do was having a sleep :P. But we had to hurry, because we had another appointment with the cousin of my cousin (Winnie) :P at 101, and before that Hoining wanted to go to Ximending 西門町 for a A-Zong mianxian 阿宗麵腺. Damn, that thing was delicious man! Way better than the first mianxian we'd eaten the first day! There were lines and everyone was standing their during the eating. A-Zong! You are the best!

We had planned dinner at the 85th floor of 101. Yeah, it’s was high. We had a view over whole Taibei in the toilet while peeing :P

After dinner, it was karaoke time again :P We had a red wine, which they call “Lost-virginity-wine”. But….. I still don’t know why. It was only 6% :S

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