dinsdag 17 februari 2009

Tour to Macau II

Is poker about skills or luck?

Today I went to Macau with Kairi. Due to my statistics, I shouldn't go on Monday. It has been proved again :( Let me tell you some hands.

Me, QQ, mid pos, raise to ???
1 caller

Flop: 268

Me bets
A pushed all-in
Me calls

Turn: 9

River: X

A 99 999xx
Me QQ QQxxx


TWO OUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Me, A3, mid pos, calls bb
Dealer raise to 80HKD
Kairi (sb) calls
Me calls

Potsize: 260HKD

Flop: A33 o_O

Kairi checks
Me checks
Dealer bets 80HKD
Kairi folds
Me calls

Potsize: 420HKD

Turn: J

Me checks
Dealer bets 250HKD
Me calls

River: K

Me checks
Dealer Checks

Dealer AQ AA33K
Me A3 333AA

I played this hand very badly man :(

Me (sb) KT, 5 callers, pot 240HKD

Flop: AQJ

me bets 100HKD

nobody calls :S FUCKING NOBODY HAD J,Q, OR A!!!


My very last hand

Me, TJ, mid pos, calls
C calls
D (dealer) calls
A (sb) calls
B (bb) calls

Potsize: 100HKD

Flop: 6cTxJc

A bets 80HKD
B calls
Me raise to 200HKD
C calls
D calls
A folds
B folds

Potsize: 860HKD

Turn: Ad

Me bets 500HKD
C raise to 1700HKD
D folds
Me all-in 1730HKD
C calls


River: Q.....


Other hands:
KK, no callers
I hit top pair, other guy hit 7 with pocket 7

Damage: 6200HKD
The reason of all this: I forgot to wear my lucky green boxer shorts..........

donderdag 29 januari 2009

Tour to Macau

Today we planned to go to Macau to play Texas Hold'em :). Let's see if we can 發新年財.

So we left at 1400. First we had our lunch in Yuenlong. After our lunch we were wondering if it was better to take bus line 968 to Sheungwan or 296B to Tsim Sha Tsui. If we want to take 968, the bus was right in front of us, if we want to take 296B we had to have a walk for 2 minutes. We decided to take 296B, so went to the bus stop. We arrived and waited for a couple of minutes. At that moment I was wondering if I need more than my Hongkong ID card to go to Macau. I said: "Yeee.....?(Cantonese for "Hey")" and Hoining screamed:"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhh, I forgot my passport!!!!!" Damn..... we had luck that we didn't take 968, otherwise we've been on our way already.

We went to the bus stop for busses to Fairview park. There was immediately a bus. We jumped in and paid HK$6,30. Normally the busses of Fairview park go into the Westrail station, but this time it didn't. Hoining and I was wondering why this bus didn't go in. While we were thinking that, we saw another Fairview park bus in the
Westrail station. At that moment, both of us were: "o_O WTF? Is this the right bus?"
At that moment Hoining wanted to ask the driver where that bus goes to.
Ning: "Let me ask him where we go."
Me: "No!!! Don't do that!!!
Ning: "Why not?"
Me: "I rather go to wrong direction, than that the whole bus knows we are that stupid."
Ning: "But where are we going then? I don't want to go that hell far!"
Me: "C'mon, hk$6,30. How far can we go?"
Ning: "But I want to ask"
Me: "No!!! Don't do it!"
And she sat down.......... Both of us we hoping: "Please go to Fairview park.". The bus went the right direction, so we had hope. We were at the roundabout and were whispering: “ Left, left, left, left, left, left……….”………. and yes!!!!! It went to left!!!!! Whahahahahahaha We had the right one!!!!! Whahahahahahahaha. We were happy like hell!!!!! Whahahahahahhahaha.

After all this, we arrived about 1900 in Macau. The first casino was Wynn’s, because it offers Texas Hold’em. After one hour we went to Sands, because Raymond Lam was giving a show there. Actually I don’t need to go, but Hoining thought there was a possibility that I had to take a picture for her. So we went to Sands. We came, we saw and we left. There was nothing special happening. After Sands we went to The Venetian. Fucking big, but nothing special. We had a dinner there, had a look and left the building :P. This time we went to Grand Lisboa, the new casino of Stanley Ho. It was built as competition for the other new casinos. We played Texas Hold’em again. Hoinin had nothing to do else, so she gave it a shot too . We played the 10/20 table. After a couple of minutes I got pocket T. I was the cutoff and raised to 150. The dealer, a woman, called and another man called too.

Potsize: 520

Flop: 4JT

M: check
I: bet 150
W: all-in 1400
M: Call
I: o_O WTF? And went all-in with 1515
M: call

Turn: 4

River: I forgot :P

W: two pair JJ44T (top pair when she went all-in)
M: two pair QQ44J (pocket Q)
I: full house T (pocket T)

Special dedication to mr. Ho :P

woensdag 21 januari 2009

New Toy!

My new toy: HTC Touch HD ;)

zondag 18 januari 2009


FINALLY!!! After 29 hours!!!!! Everything for this blog and my report of the ROC trip has been finished!!!!!

Please read~~~~~ 29 hours!!!! That's a lot of time!!!!!

Pls don't pay attention to my English, grammar and all those things. I know my English sux, but it's readable~~~~~ So just read it!!!!!

zaterdag 17 januari 2009

Special dedication to Zivan; Our Great Beautiful (tour) Leader

I would like to thank our beautiful Taiwanese tour leader Zivan for these 6 tremendous days. She hasn't driven that much the last couple of years, but she's done it for us now. She's brought us to many places. Thanks for your warm welcome at your home the first 3 days and the delicious lunch of Dida at the 2nd day :). If you come to The Netherlands, It would be a pleasure for me to be your host and tour leader ;)

*HuGgIeS* and *KiSsEs*

p.s.: Yes, I can! I will do my homework! :P

vrijdag 16 januari 2009

Trip to ROC VI (Taibei III)


For pictures of today visit:

Today was the last day of the trip. Hoining and Zivan have already left the hotel at 04:30 (for the flight with MALAYSIA AIRLINE :P). I had to check out at 12:00.

To start my day: a fantuan 飯糰. There was only one place on the planning: The National Palace Museum. One of the museums at the top of my museum list. But it disappointed me :( *sight*. Only art..... Art is above my level I think. So after one hour I left the museum and went to Ximending for another A-Zong mianxian 阿宗麵腺 :P Damn, that thing is delicious man!

After that I went to the airport to go back to Hongkong. The first thing I saw at the check-in desk: DELAY..... 21:50 instead of 20:50 :S. At the desk they told me about the delay and said I had to board at 20:00. I don't know if it's because of my Mandarin or he gave me the wrong information, but I was chatting at the airport's computer until 19:45. Then I went to the gate and arrived there at 19:57. Once arrived a man was running to me and I thought: "Shit...... something happened....."
he: "Flight CX451?"
me: "yeah...."
he:" Quick quick quick."
I was thinking: "Damn, was the departure time 20:00 or the boarding time?"
It was the first one..... :S

So did my trip to the ROC end.....

donderdag 15 januari 2009

Trip to ROC V (Taibei II)


For pictures of today visit:

As decided yesterday, we went to the CKS memorial Hall again. The sun was bright, so it was a good moment to take pictures. Compare it with the pictures of yesterday yourself. There was a souvenir shop at the 1st floor of the CKS Memorial Hall. I saw the flag of the ROC and bought it immediately. Now I have both the flag of the PRC and ROC :). I know it's a litlle bit weird to have both of them, but my point of view is: As long as it stands for my beloved China, I will support them. At this moment there are two China's: People's Republic of China and Republic of China. So I want to possess both flags.

From CKS Memorial Hall we went through the old gate of Taibei, the Presidential office and 228 peace park to the underground station for a trip to Beitou 北投 for the hot springs. During this trip Zivan made a call for Hoining. She was not allowed to check-in her flight online. They told Zivan, because the flight was canceled and Hoining had to take another flight. Because she was flying from Taibei to Kuala Lumpur and then from KL to another city, she can't take the flight they've offered. The woman at the phone told us they had tried to called Hoining but couldn't reach her. Then Hoining ask her why they didn't email her. Her answer was: "We don't use emails." o_O I thought: " No email in the 21st century? o_O" She had to ask what they can do for us. After waiting a couple of minutes we hang up, because we know Zivan had given her number to them. After another couple of minutes someone of China Airlines calles us and said that the flight has been cancelled and they're calling all passengers now. Damn..... they can have a good career in Hollywood man. Acting at the highest level :S. So after some yelling and shouting. They offered Hoining a flight with Malaysia Airlines.

There was hot springs everywhere in Beitou. After the hot spring we were very tired man. The spring was very relaxing and we wanted to do was having a sleep :P. But we had to hurry, because we had another appointment with the cousin of my cousin (Winnie) :P at 101, and before that Hoining wanted to go to Ximending 西門町 for a A-Zong mianxian 阿宗麵腺. Damn, that thing was delicious man! Way better than the first mianxian we'd eaten the first day! There were lines and everyone was standing their during the eating. A-Zong! You are the best!

We had planned dinner at the 85th floor of 101. Yeah, it’s was high. We had a view over whole Taibei in the toilet while peeing :P

After dinner, it was karaoke time again :P We had a red wine, which they call “Lost-virginity-wine”. But….. I still don’t know why. It was only 6% :S