woensdag 14 januari 2009

Trip to ROC IV (Taibei I)


For pictures of today visit:

Taipei has been the de facto and "provisional" capital of the Republic of China, since 1949. The Japanese acquired Taiwan island in 1895 after the Sino-Japanese War and made Taipei the island's capital. The Republic of China took over the island in 1945 after Japan's defeat in World War II. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek declared Taipei the provisional capital of the Republic of China in December 1949 after Kuomintang (KMT) was defeated by Communists during the Chinese Civil War. The KMT retreated to Taiwan and the jurisdiction of the Republic of China was limited to Taiwan while the Communist Party founded People's Republic of China on mainland China.

Today we arrived in Taibei about 16:00. After finishing everything, our first destination would be the National CKS Memorial Hall. We arrived there about 17:00. The first building I saw on the square was the National Theater. And oh my f*ck*ng God! It was f*ck*ng huge man!!! I had never thought those buildings (National CKS Memorial Hall, The Entrance, National Theater and National Concert Hall) were that huge. Those buildings were grand and very impressive!!! After seeing the flag of the ROC in the middle of the square, it was hard to hold my tears :~) It felt like I was home (Zivan told me to write this). I could feel all the spirit of our great nation and people. *tears again* :~)

Because it was sunset, so we decided to come back tomorrow for better pictures. :P

We made an appointment with the cousin of my cousin. She is Taiwanese and had lived in The Netherlands for a couple of years during her study. I ate a lot, because I had only eaten 4 xiaolongbao in the morning. After the meal we went to Shilin 士林 . The Shilin Night Market is a night market in the Shilin District of Taipei City, Taiwan, often considered to be the largest and most famous night market in the city. Goal of the trip: food~~~ whahahahahahahaha Yeah I know….. We have no other goal during this trip to Taiwan :P. But the whole fucking problem was the last meal. I had a dinner with 4 lovely ladies. And Chinese ladies don’t eat that much, that’s why they are so skinny. We ordered for 5 person and I have eaten like 75% of the food. 4/100*75= 3 persons. Damn~~~~~ That was heavy man~~~~~ I carried my belly through Shilin :S But still wanna taste their food :P I had Zhuangyuangao狀元糕 , ô-á-chian蚵仔煎 and Crab soup 蟹羹.

The plan was go clubbing after this, but man…… I felt sick of all those food, so I didn’t go :( Hoining and Zivan came back about 0200 and told me about girls with big boobs and asses taking their bikini off :( Damn…. I regret of eating all those food, and I regret that I didn’t go~~~~~ Damn…… Still regretting :(

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