zondag 11 januari 2009

Trip to ROC I (Taizhong I)


For pictures of this day visit:

The night before I was with Chris at LKF for a drink. I was at home about 02:00. At 05:30 I had to go to the airport, so I hadn't sleep that night.

After arriving at the airport of Taibei I had to wait for Hoining (my cousin) first. I arrived at 10:00 and she'll arrive at 10:30. Her friend, which she met in Australia during her study in 2007, will pick us up at the airport and bring us to Taizhong (Taichung) first. Her name was Zivan and will be our tour leader the coming days in all three cities.

Taizhong 臺中 is the third largest city in Taiwan, located in the west-central part of the island. It has a pleasant climate, and a population of just over one million people. The city is home to many manufacturers and in recent years has experienced rapid growth in the diversity of its cultural offerings.

The first thing we did after stepping out the car: Bubble tea !!! :)~~~ One of Taiwan's most famous products.

After we'd dropped our luggage at Zivan's home, we went out for some food. First victim: Beef noodles and Dumplings. Yummiyummi..... BUT, it was spicy. Spicy+Jay = LITRES OF SWEAT! Damn~~~~ I used more than 20 tisseus man, and I kept on sweating. Holy shit~~~~~

The first monument we would visit was the Shrine to the martyrs of the Republic of China. We came, we saw and it was closed :S Oh~~~~~~ Zivan hasn't done her homework!

After some pictures we were heading down town. Once we've arrived , we regretted what we'd done before: eating one portion of Beef noodles each. There was a lot of foods/snacks there, but we were not hungry anymore!!! There was no space for more food, because the space was filled with Beef, noodles and dumplings :(

But we didn't want to be beaten by a full stomach, so we kept eating :P. Second station: Toilet bar (don't remember the official name). Everything in the bar was made with one topic: Toilets! Let me list up some names of the menu:
* 内臟出血便 Blooding intestine feces
* 拉稀便 Diarrhea
* 嬰仔坐青屎 Baby sitting on green poo
Don't they sound delicious?!?!?!

After having this delicious meal (it was only ice cream and shaved ice), we continued our expedtion to Taiwanese food :P. The next food we put in our stomach (with the accent on "put"):
* 米血 Mixie ((pronounced: mi hsjè) something made from sticky rice)
* 咸酥雞 Salty fried chicken
* 雞腎 Chicken kidney
* 臭豆腐 Stinky Tofu

Yeah, I know we are awesome. Full stomach and then that much food :P After this meal we were X(.

Zivan brought us to somewhere for Taizhong's night view. I don't know how long that trip took, because I felt in sleep after all those foods :P We took some pictures and went back for .......... FOOD!!! Whahahahaha

4th meal in Taizhong:
* 蚵仔煎 ô-á-chian (Oyster with egg and something sticky :P)
* 大腸米腺 Mixian (pronounced: mi hsjèn) with colon
* 湯包 Soup dumpling

That was the end of day one :P

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